Product Groups

OBA PLUS Oxygen Based Powder Decolorant and Stain Removal Product

This is an oxygen based decoloring, supportive washing product which has been developed in order to whiten white laundry and remove stains at temperatures over 60 C.

  • Product Code : 32111102
  • Packaging Shape : 15 kg - Kova
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CHLORMATTE Chlorine Based Decolorant and Stain Removal Product

This product is used on white laundries at temperatures especially below 60 Ctogether with a main washing product. It provides an effective whiteness and disinfection.

  • Product Code : 32110201
  • Packaging Shape : 15 kg - Kova
LIKIT CHLOR Chlorine Based Decolorant and Stain Removal Product

Special, Chlorine Decolorant, Compression and Stain Removal Product. This product is preferred in low water temperature condition. 

  • Product Code : 31110903 / 31110904 / 31110901
  • Packaging Shape : 20 L = 22,20 kg Sarı Bidon / 5 L = 5,55 kg Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet ) / 1 L = 1,11 kg Koli ( Koli içi 20 adet )
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DUNAX Ultra-Dense Consistency Laundry Bleach

This is a multipurpose, wide spectrum product. It can be used for decoloring of white laundry, stain removal and removal of bad odors. 

  • Product Code : 31111901 / 31111902 / 31111903
  • Packaging Shape : 20 L = 21,00 kg Bidon / 5 L = 5,25 kg Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet ) / 1 L = 1,05 kg Koli ( Koli içi 20 adet )
Detail (PDF)